Out of the Mouths of Babes...and Dudes- John Bytheway

"I always wondered how people could say. " I love you" to people they don't even know, but now I realize that we all knew each other well a long time before. We're really just finally meeting up with old friends. "
-A young woman

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We had a new nephew born on monday. I'm not sure the details yet but hes healthy and happy! Ya HOOO

Nice weather in February?

So latley it has been so nice here. Like the 50's crazy its winter. So we have been taking advantage and going out side for a little bit each day. Yesturday we went out and played in the driveway while we waited for Dad to get home. Today we went out on the deck with some toys and then went b the shop and played over there. She is still a little unsure of the ground but sh rely likes it outside. It feels so good to be outside!

Somethings Missing!

So this morning I put Hailey's diaper on (obviouslyy not very well) But she was just running around with it on and something cought it and undid one side. HAiley noticed that and finished with the other side. So she droped it and started running around faster. It was so fun It was like she wasing running proud- LOOK AT ME! Crazy girl as soon as i got the picture the diaper ws right back on and cloths.


So i was cleaning up upstairs and had Jason go play with Hailey downstairs and when i came this is what i found. It was so cute! She thought it was so fun! She just loved pulling the animals in that Jason but up.
No when we enter the toy room where they are kept she waves hello to them. And if she pulls on off she will pull it to her face to either give it a kiss or a hug. I've never been able to get a picture of it, but it is so cute. One day.


looks likes she feel over and can't get up huh!! Well there is no one in the suit. We jut thought it would be a funny picture. I got this snow suit for my sister's soon to be baby girl for 7 bucks a Penney's ( gotta love clearance)

Pretty Bow

Hailey looked so cute with her hair in one little pig tail and a ribbon in her hair. I forgot to get the camera when she was all dressed. But I just also thought this was a cute picture. I think she is eating a Vanilla waffer.

Hammon's Candy

The other weekend we went down to Denver to hang out with the Kotters. We went on a tour of Hammons Candy-yum yum.

Going on tours is fun. So this picture above is where they make the candy. They really only have 9 workers who make te candy. They hand pull it, cut it, and shape it. It takes almost 2 years for these employees to master this candy making.
They produce around 2000 pound a day. In a room next door they package and box up the candy.

I just think it would be so hard to make each candy cane the same size, no wonder it takes 2 years to master.
It was so much fun to go back down and visit the Kotters. And be with friends. Tours are so much fun-free ones are better of course- but thier fun. Going here make me really want to go back to Rexburg and take advantage of everything that they offer.

Choices Choices

It is just so hard to figure out what to wear. She loves it when Jason leaves his closet open. She goes in and finds her jackets and takes them off and walks around with them, pulling them over her head, tripping over them, bring them to us "look what i got"... It is just so funny.
So i was wondering for all of you moms if you ever had a child that would cry so hard that they would pass out? Today was the worst it has ever been. She started to cry and got so mad that she stoped breathing fell back wards(from the kneeling postion) back arched and thats when i got to her and i blew in her face she took a breath but still didnt breath then she just laid in my arms i kept trying to get her to open her eyes and breath noramally so i kept blowing in her face and saying her name. She would open them for 2 seconds and close them again. Finally after a minute or so she opened her eyes and started breathing better. But it was so scary! Any advice?

Monday, February 23, 2009


So here we are in Cheyenne in a nice warm home but soon to be coming back to Rexburg and were homeless. We want to get back into our old ward- Madison- But i do not think we will be able to get in when school starts. So we are either lookin for a month to month apt so we can wait until we can move into madison (probably in June). Or just another good priced 2 bedroom aptarment that we could live in. Does anyone have any ideas where we can go? Help Help

Saturday, February 21, 2009


So now that ahiley is almost 1 (crazy) and she is at least 2o pounds we thought it was time for a new

Car Seat!

This is Evenflo triumph. Mocoa mint. My sister and her friend did some research and they thought is was th best for the price. So i got it! It is so fun. Hailey likes it- well out of the car anyways. I bet she will love sitting forward. It is amazing how fast they grow up. But oh the fun!!

Date nights are great

So I have just decided that bowling is one of my favorite dates. I would rather spend the money on that then a movie and dinner. Way more fun!!!
That's where we went tonight for our Date. Two Bar Bowling alley! Only one in Cheyenne Wyoming(well besides the base) Its nice. No smoking which makes the whole difference. I used to hate coming home like smoke. But we played 3 games. I won the first one 120 to 95. Then Jason got in the groove and beat me for the next two. 113-118 and like 106- 115.
We added a little wager on each frame. If you won the frame you got 1 thing. a spare or strike 2 things. Now these things are features to our future dream home (some day lol). So what we ended up with is a home in Georgia. Sitting on 10 acres. The front 3 acres are surrounded by trees half of them are fruit trees. The back 7 acres are full of a 3 door shop, 3 golf holes, and a 6 stall barn and an outdoor arena. Sounds pretty nice huh. So The 3 acres right next to the house is actually yard except for the basketball count and tennis court. Then we are going to have a stone patio with a built in grill and water fall. then close to that will be the hot tub and pool. Man our house is going to be great. Oh yeah there will be a wrap around porch.
Did I mention were going to be millionaires!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So I am offically done nursing. And Hailey is now on Cows whole milk!!! Yippy. I know she is only 11 months, but thats the way it happened.
I thought it was going to be a long process so i started early. With the weeks before i would skip a feeding here or there never more the one a day but i just wanted to see how she would do! She Loved it cause now that she can walk she just has too much to do. My sister sugessted that i start with an ounce a day and see how hailey's body handles the milk. (neither one of us thought is would be such a short process). Well nothing happened abnormally. So i gave her a little more the next day. And cut out the two middle day feedings. She did great!! she loved being able to walk aound while drinking milk. Then Thursday came she put up a fight when i tried to get her to nurse in the morning but we did. An then she just had cows milk the rest of the day. Then firday- I offered she turned her head and sucked her thumb. twice. So then i said okay we went through the day she got a little fussy so i thought it was because she hadn't nursed all day. I offered again. Same thing. Sucked the thumb and turned her head. And we have't nursed since. Crazy.
She does really well dinking the milk. Mainly at night is when she will drink it the best. She just loves walking back and forth around the kitchen drinking and eating her crackers. It is so cute and she is just so happy.
It is nice to be free again. I'm just hoping things go back to normal. But it is so nice to not have to worry about her needing to nurse when we go somewhere or if people come over.
Oh so nice!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

She is just going to love dress up. She loves o put things over her head. Anything that will go goes. he loves this silver bead neckless that we found. Anytime any where she will paly with it. Its great and so fun to watch her put it on take it off

Ahh I love my little Girl!

I also love my husband very much and am very thankful that he such a hard worker and willing to live with my parents. It has been just a blessing to be here. He is so wonderful and I love him with all my heart and i am greatful to be married to him every day!


So sad. She got her first bloody nose. I was sitting in a chair doing my homework while she was playing with toys a couple of feet away. She came over but when she went to grab the chair she missed with her hand but got it with her face. At first i didnt get what happened and why she was so sad. Then i saw the bloody nose- poor girl. But she was such a trooper cause once i had her and held her for a minute she calmed right down and was her happy self again.
I'm not tokeen on doing my homework now when she is awake for fear it will happen again. So now i try to wake up early(530) to do my homework and get it done before the day starts. Why so early why not at night. Well thats easy because if i wait until night i am worried about it all day the stressed at night cause its due in 3 hours and then if i dont understand it i just have to guess. Unlike if i do it it in the morning I have time to find the answer or wait until Jason gets home and ask him and then spend the rest of the nght with him- much better even though its early.


So one day Jason was eating some candy and let Hailey have a lick( tisk tisk in my book for hailey). Then acouple days later we set her up on the counter straight to the candy jars- What are you to do with kids
My goal-ha- is to see if we can avoid candy for 5 years. any one think its doable?

Beautiful Cheyenne

So this is part of our breakfast veiw. It is so fun that house that you see has two dogs. a boxer and a collie they are so funny to watch. I hope i have a nice view when we own a house, just starts the day out so nicely.

But this is not what it looks like now. Its been so weird it has hardly snowed. I went for a walk around the block today, thats how nic it is here. Nice and sunny but of course windy. When we return to Rexburg I will not be complaing about the wind!! Its got nothing on Cheyenne.

Project Update

So our projects are slow but steady and were almost done. Just a few more words and some dots and well be done. Then we just have to bind them altogther! It looks so good and Hailey already enjoys it which is great! Once where done with this one where going to make one for Haileys cousin Caleb.

Bye Bye January

Time has flown so fast for us here in the wide prairies of Cheyenne. It has been so much fun to be here. But oh how we miss everyone. Specially those in rexburg. Being able to walk across the parking lot and be with friends. To go to church with women age and our friends. To be in similar sisuations as your friends. To be with parents your age, insead of being friends with parents that have children your age that your friends with- now don't get me wrong on this one, I love hanging out with you, but its just a little weird at first, but fun!!!

Basically we are saying that we miss rexburg and we want to come home. April 16 Jason job is over and well be up there before school gets out. Were thinking that Hailey and I might come up a little before he gets done to move in and get settled so Jason can relax from the stressful tax season(that has already started and hes going to start working saturdays this week) before he starts another round of school. And that way he can miss out on the stress of moving in.
So today I finally gave Hailey the bowl to eat out of. Normally I just dont wantthe mess, but yeah now they have to learn some time. So I gave her the bowl of spegetii and she loved it!!! couldn't get enough. It was so cute to watch her try to get her face in the bowl to pick up those tricky noodles.

So it is the most amazing this to me, where these kids learn to through food on the floor or to put there face in the bowl or on the table to get there food. Cause i sure dont see vary many people say yuck i dont want this a throw it on the floor- I sure dont do it. No one in this house hold eats like a dog- nor do we have a dog :(. So i just wonder how that little brain of her works and where she gets these idea.So as i was jsut typing that little bit up above i just realized where she might have gotten the two ideas of how to eat food. Off the table one--- sometimes when am playing with her Ill go after her food when its on her tray and suck it up right before she gets her hand on it to eat it. Then fo the bowl in the face- I always drink my milk after a bowl of cereal. So maybe thats where she gets those ideas but the throwing things on the floor thats all her! Crazy loveable girl!!!


Sorry i shouldn't have rotated the camera- next time it will be better, but thats her walking!!!

So Hailey has become a walker. Well she trys to walk where haver she can after so many falls or if it is too long of a distance she'll stick to crawling. But she has this deep determination to walk! It is so cute to see her determination in her eyes. She Loves you to hold her hands and just walk all over the house. somthimes she will even grab her blanket and hold it in one hand and your and in the other and just do circles around the house. When she tries to do that without help she gets a couple of steps but then of course the blanket gets in the way so she falls. Then she lays on its and eats her major food group(cheerios) and just enjoys!

Watching Children learn new things every day is amazing, specially on how quick they pick things up!


Hailey loves to play on the bed. why I dont really know. But she will ask to get up there. When i say ask she will be trying to climb up there which is so cute to see and she will be grunting. But she will just roll and lay on the pillows and stand up and lay on the pillows. Say look at me Im so pretty! But i was trying to get a picture of her hair. It is getting s long- you can almost tuck it behind her ear. It is also coming in thinker and darker. Which will be fun I think that the red is going to dispear shortly. sad but i think she is going to be a light bernet.