Out of the Mouths of Babes...and Dudes- John Bytheway

"I always wondered how people could say. " I love you" to people they don't even know, but now I realize that we all knew each other well a long time before. We're really just finally meeting up with old friends. "
-A young woman

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Look at her go

Hailey can Crawl!!! crazy I know but it has been so fun! She has been wanting to crawl since she was 5 months old and been trying to figure it out. Well on Sunday the 14th 5 days before she turned 6 months old it finally clicked. she started to go. She is still slow and unsure of it all. Doesn't wonder to far yet, but she sure does love it.

Funny Faces

Sorry if your looking for the video on Hailey but we entered it into AFV so we couldnt have it on here sorry.

Look at me!

Hailey loves to stand on anything and everything that she can. This time she used the tree (fake tree) she also thought it was a good idea to taste the fake mulch around it... She didn't like it too much, good thing!!

House vs. Hailey

Unfortunately the house one in this battle. It is kind of hard to see but there is the red a little below the eye and then these is a small welt(bruise) on the end of her eyebrow. There was also a bruise on the top of her for head. the sad thing is is that there is more to come, but she handles it like a champ, sometimes...


It was so cute Hailey and i were talking to Jason as he was getting ready but i needed to go get something so i set her in front of the door. When i came back Jason had shut the door so he could go the bathroom and she was just staring at the door, debated to leave but turned back around ans stared at the door until he opened it again. I just thought it was so cute.

It was some where at Uptown Bagel Cafe.

Monday, September 22, 2008


So we have lost our camera. Hopefully not for long but we haven't seen it for a week. So hopefully we will find it soon.

Monday, September 15, 2008


So once again sorry for slacking on posting, but i have been a little busy- I was doing a wedding cake for a girl and her luncheon was Saturday. So all last week i was working on that. If you want to check it out i have connected it to this blog- under My cakes. It was a ton of fun to make and it turned out cuter then i thought it would. Which was nice.

But news with Hailey- She has two teeth right now. She now has 2 teeth on her bottom row. Only 26 more to go!!! That is going to be a lot of slobber!

On Sunday something clicked with her. She has started to crawl, well kind of. She can move her hands correctly but her legs sometimes just don't work. So some times she looks like a caterpillar. but she will get it down, so exciting! But boy is my world about to change. But it sure will be nice that she will be able to move on her own accord, that is for sure. YAHOO

Her eyes i think are starting to change colors. The other day i look into them and there was a little bit of greenish-brown coming in, sad day! i was hoping that they would stay blue, wasn't likely, but i sure was hope.

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Toy

I left out this bag on the floor and some how Hailey got a hold of it. She loved it. It was so cute. Who would have thought this bag would have been entertaining for so long. And the best part is is that she can suck on it all she wants and it wont hurt the bag one bit-nice.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Real Food

Well we thought it was time for Hailey to try some real food. Considering that she is always wanting what ever we have. I think she liked it. It was kind of an unplanned thing so we just used a normal spoon which now i understand why you don't, but is sure was cute to see her eat with it. When i would put the spoon to her mought she would hold onto the side of the spoon. It was so fun.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Temper Temper

She is so funny when she crys-sad- but funny. cause when she gets really mad her legs jerk up she tightens her eyes and lets it out. In this clip she is not fully letting me know, but i think that is because she is half distracted by the camera.

I think we will have temper tantrum thrower here. I'll be reading up to learn the best way to deal with them for her.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ball time

Just playing with the ball and car seat. But by the time I got the camera to take the picture she wasn't as happy when she first started to play. But she likes to play with the car seat and the buckles or to try to climb and stand up using it. The ball she is getting better at playing with. She can almost hold it in one hand but not for long. Its fun, sad when it rolls away. But soon enough she will be able to chase after it!!!!


I don't know why but she loves to put these links in her mouth and just hang on to them as she plays. I think it is so cute. She will put one in her mouth and then try to go play around or get another toy like you see here.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


And of course she had to taste them you know. It was just so funny to watch we didn't stop her. I hope we don't regret letting her play with them. As long as she doesn't know how to open them or steps on them i think it will be fine- that won't happen for a while anyways.


Hailey has discovered the movies. It was so cute she some how rolled over there and started pulling at them she loved it. We did mind to much, its to cute. Once she has pulled out a good amount she then try's to climb up the stand. So far we have been lucky and she hasn't tried to play really with the DVD player and stereo but well see how long that lasts.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


WELCOME to September! It was freezing on Monday!
So cold we got Hailey all dressed for "winter". 3 layers on top. Lined jeans and 2 layers of sock. We had to go to the church so we bundled up. It was SO COLD!!!
You might be thinking we are over exaggerating, BUT we're not!!! We were the coldest place in the U.S. and that is a fact--we think. It was 44 degrees almost all day. It might have warmed up 4 degrees-maybe. But here is the proof that we were the coldest place.

Denver, Colorado: 77
Pocatello, Idaho: 57
Huston, Texas: 91
Atlanta, Georgia: 78
Grand Forks, North Dakota: 80
Alaska( i forgot what ctiy): 50

That is crazy!!! Rexburg is the coldest place ever!