Out of the Mouths of Babes...and Dudes- John Bytheway

"I always wondered how people could say. " I love you" to people they don't even know, but now I realize that we all knew each other well a long time before. We're really just finally meeting up with old friends. "
-A young woman

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Bed

So Logan will be here soon and so we will need the crib-which means Hailey needed a new bed. So over the break Jason and his Dad built Hailey a new bed. They went and got all the supplies and used there power tools and really enjoyed spending their time together.
 When we got back from the break we brought the bed up to our place and sanded it with Jason cool new sander and put it together during Hailey's nap.
 When she woke up we asked her if we could put the bed in her room and put her mattress in it. She only agreed to putting the bed in her room. We rearranged the furniture so that the bed would fit. Which is a hard this to do if half your walls are closets that are a must need at least every other day of the week to get into. But we made it all fit and it looks pretty good and I think we are going to keep it this way. Once it was in there we just talked to Hailey about how this is her new bed and how Logan is going to need the crib and how the bed is so much cooler the the crib because you can climb on it three different ways and so on... Shortly she agreed and we were able to put her mattress in and she has been sleeping and loving it ever since!!!
I have not totally decided how i want to finish it and its not like the weather would let me anyways. We love the look that a stain finish would give it and it would look so good if we stained it the same color as the other furniture in the room...BUT how cute would it be if we painted it white with her name(in pink or purple) on the foot board and flowers on the head board that matched the room... I'm still deciding.
 Now the question is will she let go of her old pillow and take the new? She has been using the boppy as a pillow for a couple of months now-ever since she found it in the drawer under her bed. But with Logan coming I kinda of need it. So I am hoping that with a little more time (don't want to push too many new things on her) that she will start using her new pillow (I'm so excited i made the pillow cases for it and they are so cute!- I love sewing) and let Logan have the boppy. We shall see...

1 comment:

April said...

What a nice looking bed! I'm glad Hailey likes it. And that's so funny about the bobby pillow. Good luck with her new pillows, I'm sure she'll love them.