Out of the Mouths of Babes...and Dudes- John Bytheway

"I always wondered how people could say. " I love you" to people they don't even know, but now I realize that we all knew each other well a long time before. We're really just finally meeting up with old friends. "
-A young woman

Monday, June 21, 2010

Potty Trained

So Hailey has been out of diapers for a month now. It has been great. There were two weeks before Logan was born that we did not have to change any diapers. It was bliss! And now we still only have to change one kids diaper-we can handle that. Hailey has been doing really good. She only has a wet night every now and then and those are the nights that we are busy--out and about and let her drink a ton right before bed. Other then that she has dry nights. During the day she does pretty good. There are some days that she will get distracted and not make it-or if she is throwing a fit sometimes she has an accident. But I would say that over all she does amazing and is great and stays clean and dry!


April said...

Yeah for Hailey!! And yeah for you guys too :)

Michelle said...

yay! Kaleb is potty trained now too its only been a week or two. I guess 3 was the magic age for him because he just did it mostly on his own!