Out of the Mouths of Babes...and Dudes- John Bytheway

"I always wondered how people could say. " I love you" to people they don't even know, but now I realize that we all knew each other well a long time before. We're really just finally meeting up with old friends. "
-A young woman

Monday, June 21, 2010

Potty Trained

So Hailey has been out of diapers for a month now. It has been great. There were two weeks before Logan was born that we did not have to change any diapers. It was bliss! And now we still only have to change one kids diaper-we can handle that. Hailey has been doing really good. She only has a wet night every now and then and those are the nights that we are busy--out and about and let her drink a ton right before bed. Other then that she has dry nights. During the day she does pretty good. There are some days that she will get distracted and not make it-or if she is throwing a fit sometimes she has an accident. But I would say that over all she does amazing and is great and stays clean and dry!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Name Picture

Not sure if you remember but my mom does name pictures for us. So When she was here she made Logan's and redid Hailey's. they look so good in their room!
Logan's is of Book of Mormon stories
Hailey's is President Hickley's "B's"
Thank you mom, we love them!


When we was first born
nap hair
Spiky hair
missionary hair
just cute sleeping picture with slightly parted
towel hair

It is so fun to have babies with hair. I have done a lot more hair dues but i have not taken any pictures. So I will have to get those another time. But thought I would share some now with you.

Once learned

So once Hailey learns that there is a play place-or a certain treat- or a certain object there is no return. She has learned that there is a play place at this mall so now once we get there that is all she asks for. When we got to Albertsons she knows that 1-she can ride in the car-karts 2-the black karts 3-that she gets a sticker when we get to the cashier (if left on her skin too long she will get a rash) 4- when Dad is there she generally can get a cookie. Wal-Mart she knows she gets to sit in the big basket and gets to clean the kart with the wipes. When we go to the Bank she gets a dumb-dumb (pink of course) and when we go to Broulims she will get smarties from the cashier. And now that she knows these it is so very hard to make it out of there without it.

??? What are you???

So up by the upper playing fields or behind the movie theater there are these animals that are so big. I think they are prairie dogs-not sure cause i have never seen such a large ones but there huge!
They chirp like a prairie dog would, they're not very friendly-which I did not mind. I felt like they could come up and eat me. I know that they are really not that big, but a for a rodent that is too big.
There were some smaller( baby ones) There are pretty cute.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Logan Jason Marcum

Here are some quick pictures from yesterday.  I will fill you all in a little more another time, but both kids are asleep so I am going to sleep!

But we are all doing really well.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


So just got done with the doctors and thought I would let you know what is going on. My body has made little progress (i mean from like 1 to 1.5 in a week-not much) So I went and had a stress test done today and every thing is looking great so I will be checking myself into the Hospital on Wednesday Morning to be Induced. So my mom will come here on Tuesday so she can take care of Hailey when we go in early Wednesday (7:30) We are so excited to hold little Logan!!! I will be 42 weeks and 3 days along on Wednesday. Hailey was 13 days late as well. They just really like to come late- but that is okay.