-- LOOK! My tongue is dancing.
--Hailey taking Jason's temple recomend says: I'm going to get married in the temple.
Me: REALLY. thats great to who?
Hailey: To Jesus
Me: oh yeah
Hailey: Yeah he loves me!
-- I needed a bigger plate because I am getting bigger
--Mom, Angels watch over you
--Driving down the road we just started talking about the sky and Hailey pointed and said" the sky is splitting"
--Calling Grandma Marcum-no answer so it went to voice mail. I heard the beep so I told Hailey to leave a message- she said "no" took the phone from her ear and started to push buttons and said "I want to text"
-- Dad to Hailey: "You are such your mothers child"
Hailey: No I'm Not"
Mom: You are too my Child"
Hailey" No!"
Mom: What you think your my teenager?
Hailey " I'm your teenager"
--Hailey: I'm I two?
Dad: No your 3 :)
Hailey: No I don't want to be 3 again I want to be 30~ big fit...
--Me: Hailey come here please i need to wipe your nose
Hailey: No! the monster is sleeping (her booger)
-- Me: How did you sleep Jason
Jason: alright how about you?
Me: I slept like a rock
Hailey: I slept like a banana rock
--Me: Hailey slept in
Hailey: I did not sleep in I slept out
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sugar-Yummy Yum Yum
We had some Oreo the other night and Logan already has a sweet tooth so we thought we would share with him. And Just like Grandpa says if your full just rub it in your hair. Right at the end of this you see him start to go for his Hair. Up he sure did all over his hair and then he was done and we went straight to the bath. He sure enjoyed them.
We rented a kids movie and got some M&M's and Logan would not leave us a lone. we tried giving him other things, but he knew. So we gave him one. What a mess and he sure enjoyed it! we all did.
Friday, May 27, 2011
We went to Utah the last week in April for our Ben's baptism. It was so much fun we just went for a supper quick trip.
The girls had so much fun together making things and playing.The boys loved playing out side with their uncle Jason. It was so fun being there. We ended up getting a babysitter for all 7 kids and then Jared, Jason, Lisa and I went out on a double date. We went bowling and then to dinner, it was so nice to hang out with them.--Thanks for so much fun!
He has discovered my plastic bags and loves loves loves taking them out, also tissues and enjoys toilet paper unrolling as well.
We have church at 1 so sometimes is is really hard to get Hailey to take and nap. But after church Jason and Hailey st down for a couple minutes. I thought they were reading books but when i came around the corner from the kitchen they were fast asleep.
He was so proud to be wearing these. It was so cute
Hailey loves her little brother. He has learned to climb up on her bed. they have fun playing up there
So funny
we got our hair cuts. well I got mine cut and Hailey got a trim. She was not to thrilled about it, but she did it.
I gave Logan a hair cut too.
We have church at 1 so sometimes is is really hard to get Hailey to take and nap. But after church Jason and Hailey st down for a couple minutes. I thought they were reading books but when i came around the corner from the kitchen they were fast asleep.
He was so proud to be wearing these. It was so cute
Hailey loves her little brother. He has learned to climb up on her bed. they have fun playing up there
So funny
we got our hair cuts. well I got mine cut and Hailey got a trim. She was not to thrilled about it, but she did it.
I gave Logan a hair cut too.
Then that Friday
We went the the Children's museum in Denver it was so much fun. On the main floor there is so much for little kids like Logan to go do and explore.
Then upstairs there were activity for older kids. Hailey and Jason had the most fun in the Bubble room. IT was pretty cool the way some bubbles worked.
They got some pretty large ones
Then after playing here in the morning we got lunch and then went swiming at one of our favorite places down there. at the Apex center in Arvada We love it because it has a kids area where it is level beach to 3 feet and then there are also slides and a lazy river. So much fun.
Then upstairs there were activity for older kids. Hailey and Jason had the most fun in the Bubble room. IT was pretty cool the way some bubbles worked.
They got some pretty large ones
Then after playing here in the morning we got lunch and then went swiming at one of our favorite places down there. at the Apex center in Arvada We love it because it has a kids area where it is level beach to 3 feet and then there are also slides and a lazy river. So much fun.
Hotel Fun
I am sure that the maids do not think us as their favorites. We did put the sheets back up on the right bed but--but everything was a mess. They have so much fun thou.
Then after the zoo we went to a great restaurant called the White fence Farm we really had so much fun going there. I guess it was a little expensive but we really could have spent all afternoon there.
A trip to Denver
So Tax season ended so we went to Denver as a little get away treat for Jason the week after. IT was a lot of fun. We left Thursday morning so we could be there when the Zoo opened. We sure picked the right day to go, the other days were more cloudy-cold-windy. I even ran into my old neighbor from when I lived in Colorado springs.
We always love seeing the polar bear and it was fun to have him that closeThis guy was just hanging out blocking the way out from the giraffes living quarters
Logan loved being able to see everything. But Hailey had so much fun being able to walk around and go look at the animals
Hailey got some one on one time with one of the zoo keeps. The zoo keeper was about to feed the animals and she taught Hailey what they ate.
Hailey and Jason got to ride the Merry-go-round and the trtain
Stopping for a break for lunch
It is so little and cute and it was doing such a great job climbing on rocks for being only a month old
Hailey found a new friend. We ended up being at the same places with them a couple of times and Hailey was just like hold my hand- new friends it was really cute. I do not think the parents of the boy thought it was as cute. But she just thought he was here new friend.
Hailey has figured out how to use out cameras on our phone. So while we are driving she takes lots and lotrs of pictures of Logan
Jason's Birthday
Jason's Birthday was a lot of fun. Hi mom, sister April and her husband Tim and their boy Peter were able to be there with us to celebrate his birthday. I have not idea what i was thinking not taking any pictures- Ill have to get some from Mary Lou. She took some pictures. But it was a lot of fun. We had a shrimp dish and then we had cupcakes. Yum. I made snicker cupcakes and orange cream cup cakes. I forgot to take a picture of the orage ones. They were yummy thou.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Jason!
The Big 28. So crazy that I meet when you were 23. It almost seems that we are still that young. Well here are some memories:
1: When I first saw you you were sitting in your living room at Rock land trying to study.
2: Going to the Austin building finding some rolling chairs and spinning and racing around the building
3: Going to the Pineapple grill and being silly and making up our own sign langue( that only lasted that hour)
4: Playing Uno all the time
5: Getting water balloons dumped on use while we were playing a game in the grass
6: Jumping in the canal with my roommates
7: You going on a spinning ride with me and throwing up
8: When you gave me the beautiful glass rose
9: Taking your picture at Jason street in your domino's outfit
10: When you first told me I love you on the couch downstairs at your parents house
11: That ex termly awkward moment when Jessica told us to date when we were in the dorm kitchen cooking dinner
12: The first time you gave me a hug after we played basketball outside of the dorms
13: Going on all those bike rides-especially the ones in Denver
14: You getting stung by the wasp; your arm swelling and you having to take some med and being passed out all the way to Cheyenne.
15: You meeting my sister for the first time in Provo
16: Playing in that big rubber band
17: Going to that lake in Idaho Falls and doing the special diving with all of us
18: Playing Jenga
19: Kicking the soccer ball back and forth over your parents house
20: Doing the wizard of oz walk in Fred Myer
21:Going black Friday shopping with you at the mall and watching you run down to the store to get in line for that mini mp3 player
22:Cutting down out first Christmas tree
23: Finally Graduating from BYU-Idaho together
24: Going and hitting a bucket of balls with you and Hailey when I was 8 months pregnant
25: Going camping at hidden lake
26: Waffle Breakfast every Saturday Morning (that we can-yumyum)
27: All of those cute little notes that you have left me around the house
28: The Day that you married me
Jason, I hope today is a wonderful day. Happy Birthday
1: When I first saw you you were sitting in your living room at Rock land trying to study.
2: Going to the Austin building finding some rolling chairs and spinning and racing around the building
3: Going to the Pineapple grill and being silly and making up our own sign langue( that only lasted that hour)
4: Playing Uno all the time
5: Getting water balloons dumped on use while we were playing a game in the grass
6: Jumping in the canal with my roommates
7: You going on a spinning ride with me and throwing up
8: When you gave me the beautiful glass rose
9: Taking your picture at Jason street in your domino's outfit
10: When you first told me I love you on the couch downstairs at your parents house
11: That ex termly awkward moment when Jessica told us to date when we were in the dorm kitchen cooking dinner
12: The first time you gave me a hug after we played basketball outside of the dorms
13: Going on all those bike rides-especially the ones in Denver
14: You getting stung by the wasp; your arm swelling and you having to take some med and being passed out all the way to Cheyenne.
15: You meeting my sister for the first time in Provo
16: Playing in that big rubber band
17: Going to that lake in Idaho Falls and doing the special diving with all of us
18: Playing Jenga
19: Kicking the soccer ball back and forth over your parents house
20: Doing the wizard of oz walk in Fred Myer
21:Going black Friday shopping with you at the mall and watching you run down to the store to get in line for that mini mp3 player
22:Cutting down out first Christmas tree
23: Finally Graduating from BYU-Idaho together
24: Going and hitting a bucket of balls with you and Hailey when I was 8 months pregnant
25: Going camping at hidden lake
26: Waffle Breakfast every Saturday Morning (that we can-yumyum)
27: All of those cute little notes that you have left me around the house
28: The Day that you married me
Jason, I hope today is a wonderful day. Happy Birthday
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
He is walking!!!
He has been practicing for a while but as of last week he prefers to walk more than crawl. So I thought I would share with you proof that this little man is walking at 9 months. He will be 1 in June. Crazy active lovable kid!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Miss Cook
She is always wanting to help me in the kitchen. But today she wanted to cook on her own I was done using the flour and she said it was her turn. i was not feeling like a neat freak so I said go right a head. And this is what she cooked. Yum yum.
This week I made two and helped with another one. It sure was fun!
I made this one for Relief Societyand this was Hailey's birthday cake
Hailey's 3!!!!
It really was such a fun theme.
She is 3!
We had a fabulous birthday with Hailey. We had her party over at Grandma and Grandpa's Whiteheads. All her friends came over. We had cake and ice cream.Then we went down stairs and they decorated some overalls and glued on a pocket and pretended to be farmers.
Put a bandanna in their little pocket that they glued on. We had a bean bag toss that they enjoyed and then we just played. We were going to pin the tail on the cow, but little Miss Hailey did not like the fact that we took the tail off so we thought we would try later, but they were just having too much fun with other things.
It turned out really well. After her friends left we opened presents.
She got some cloths a book and a little toy cat the rolls all around the floor.
A new blanket with tinker bell on it and its pink on the other side.
and a bike!
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