The major function of Folate coenzymes is involved in DNA sysnthsis. So if you were to have a deficiency( not a good intake) of Folate you would form megaloblast which is were you red blood cell will not be able to divide correctly. And if this contunues you will soon lead too megloblastic. Which is where ther are not enough fully function red blood cells to carry the oxygen needed around the body.
In pregnant women who do not get enough Folate can cause
Spina Bifida
The recommendation for all child baring women is to take at 400 micrograms of folic acid a day(synthtic) at least 6 weeks before conception. The reason this is so important is becuase the neural tube closes within the first 28 days of pregnancy--a time where most of us dont know we're pregnant. So it is very important for us to be aware of our intake.
Some great sources of Folate are: for one serving just eat...
1 Cup of Asparagus
3/4 Cup fortifed Cereal
1/2 Cup cooked lenitl(beans)--there are so mayn ways you can serve these
There are many way we can get folate in. The richest of all the groups is the vegtables.
So eat your Veggies!