Out of the Mouths of Babes...and Dudes- John Bytheway

"I always wondered how people could say. " I love you" to people they don't even know, but now I realize that we all knew each other well a long time before. We're really just finally meeting up with old friends. "
-A young woman

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So i'm a little late---but its better late then never to decorate for thanksgiving. But i thought i would make a list of things i am thankful for with you.

--- I'm Thankful For---
*My Family and their love and support
*My Wonderful Husband and all that he does for Hailey and me. Like working so hard so that i can stay home with Hailey!
*For BYU-Idaho and the little bubble we live in, here in Rexburg.
* For this apartment (rent being affordable) and all of our belongings
*For a car that keeps going and going, even though it threatens to quit every winter. For not having to buy a new car and make payments
*for Hailey's safety every day!!!!!
*For technology that i can talk to my family by Web cam and they get to see Hailey grow up.
*That Jason's family if just 30 min. away in Idaho Falls
*That Jason got an internship in Cheyenne, Wyoming- that we can be close to my family.

I am Greatful---
*For the restored Gospel
*That we can partake of the sacrament every Sunday
*That the Temple is just up the hill from us
*We can do work for the dead
*That we can meet in such a beautiful building right next to the temple
*That we can start each class with a prayer and tie in religion freely
*That the pilgrims crossed over and that this nation was born free
*For Scriptures and modern day revelations
*That we have an ordained Prophet of God to lead this church in this dispensation
*For the Ensign to bring those words into our home that will teach us a guide us in the things we need to know
*That I have a testimony of this church

Well I could go on and on and on with the things i am thankful for, but i think this list is good for now.

But i hope you All have a fabulous thanksgiving!!! I hope your food turns out- Im cooking a turkey for the first time. But enjoy this week! Love you all!!!

1 comment:

Carrie Wood said...

Thanks for sharing your list of all you're thankful for. I teared up. I haven't done a list in my journal yet, and I need to.
You are such a great, smart girl!