Out of the Mouths of Babes...and Dudes- John Bytheway

"I always wondered how people could say. " I love you" to people they don't even know, but now I realize that we all knew each other well a long time before. We're really just finally meeting up with old friends. "
-A young woman

Thursday, June 3, 2010


So just got done with the doctors and thought I would let you know what is going on. My body has made little progress (i mean from like 1 to 1.5 in a week-not much) So I went and had a stress test done today and every thing is looking great so I will be checking myself into the Hospital on Wednesday Morning to be Induced. So my mom will come here on Tuesday so she can take care of Hailey when we go in early Wednesday (7:30) We are so excited to hold little Logan!!! I will be 42 weeks and 3 days along on Wednesday. Hailey was 13 days late as well. They just really like to come late- but that is okay.

1 comment:

Kayleen said...

man you are tough!! I know a lot of people who schedule inductions before their due date even just because they are done being pregnant. What a trooper you are. hope all goes well. I can't wait to see pictures of Logan.