Out of the Mouths of Babes...and Dudes- John Bytheway

"I always wondered how people could say. " I love you" to people they don't even know, but now I realize that we all knew each other well a long time before. We're really just finally meeting up with old friends. "
-A young woman

Thursday, August 20, 2009


It has been so much fun to go aorund and do things. The first week we were here Jason didn't work so we tried to do everything. It was so much fun! We went to the zoo here. It was pretty good.

Never been so close to a tiger before.

We had so much fun here at the zoo. We watch a lot of the shows- the elephants, seals, and the play that they put on there.

This little cat can jump like 10 feet striaght into the air.

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